Panther Moon Jatuh Random Numbers Berapa

Fase Bulan Bulan Desember 2024

Seperti yang telah diungkapkan sebelumnya bahwa Cold Moon ada di titik tertingginya di bulan Desember 2024 ini. Hal tersebut tak terlepas dari fase bulan yang berlangsung di bulan ini. Setidaknya ada 5 fase bulan yang terjadi sepanjang bulan Desember 2024. Masih mengacu dari laman Almanac, berikut rincian lengkapnya:

Itulah tadi gambaran mengenai Cold Moon sebagai fenomena Bulan Purnama yang diperkirakan bakal muncul pada 15 Desember 2024. Semoga informasi ini dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi detikers, ya.

Natural satellite orbiting Earth

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It orbits at an average distance of 384,400 km (238,900 mi), about 30 times the diameter of Earth. Tidal forces between Earth and the Moon have synchronized the Moon's orbital period (lunar month) with its rotation period (lunar day) at 29.5 Earth days, causing the same side of the Moon to always face Earth. The Moon's gravitational pull—and, to a lesser extent, the Sun's—are the main drivers of Earth's tides.

In geophysical terms, the Moon is a planetary-mass object or satellite planet. Its mass is 1.2% that of the Earth, and its diameter is 3,474 km (2,159 mi), roughly one-quarter of Earth's (about as wide as the United States from coast to coast). Within the Solar System, it is the largest and most massive satellite in relation to its parent planet, the fifth largest and most massive moon overall, and larger and more massive than all known dwarf planets.[17] Its surface gravity is about one sixth of Earth's, about half of that of Mars, and the second highest among all Solar System moons, after Jupiter's moon Io. The body of the Moon is differentiated and terrestrial, with no significant hydrosphere, atmosphere, or magnetic field. It formed 4.51 billion years ago, not long after Earth's formation, out of the debris from a giant impact between Earth and a hypothesized Mars-sized body called Theia.

The lunar surface is covered in lunar dust and marked by mountains, impact craters, their ejecta, ray-like streaks, rilles and, mostly on the near side of the Moon, by dark maria ("seas"), which are plains of cooled lava. These maria were formed when molten lava flowed into ancient impact basins. The Moon is, except when passing through Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse, always illuminated by the Sun, but from Earth the visible illumination shifts during its orbit, producing the lunar phases.[18] The Moon is the brightest celestial object in Earth's night sky. This is mainly due to its large angular diameter, while the reflectance of the lunar surface is comparable to that of asphalt. The apparent size is nearly the same as that of the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun completely during a total solar eclipse. From Earth about 59% of the lunar surface is visible over time due to cyclical shifts in perspective (libration), making parts of the far side of the Moon visible.

The Moon has been an important source of inspiration and knowledge for humans, having been crucial to cosmography, mythology, religion, art, time keeping, natural science, and spaceflight. The first human-made objects to fly to an extraterrestrial body were sent to the Moon, starting in 1959 with the flyby of the Soviet Union's Luna 1 and the intentional impact of Luna 2. In 1966, the first soft landing (by Luna 9) and orbital insertion (by Luna 10) followed. On July 20, 1969, humans for the first time stepped on an extraterrestrial body, landing on the Moon at Mare Tranquillitatis with the lander Eagle of the United States' Apollo 11 mission. Five more crews were sent between then and 1972, each with two men landing on the surface. The longest stay was 75 hours by the Apollo 17 crew. Since then, exploration of the Moon has continued robotically, and crewed missions are being planned to return beginning in the late 2020s.

The usual English proper name for Earth's natural satellite is simply Moon, with a capital M.[19][20] The noun moon is derived from Old English mōna, which (like all its Germanic cognates) stems from Proto-Germanic *mēnōn,[21] which in turn comes from Proto-Indo-European *mēnsis 'month'[22] (from earlier *mēnōt, genitive *mēneses) which may be related to the verb 'measure' (of time).[23]

Occasionally, the name Luna is used in scientific writing[24] and especially in science fiction to distinguish the Earth's moon from others, while in poetry "Luna" has been used to denote personification of the Moon.[25] Cynthia is another poetic name, though rare, for the Moon personified as a goddess,[26] while Selene (literally 'Moon') is the Greek goddess of the Moon.

The English adjective pertaining to the Moon is lunar, derived from the Latin word for the Moon, lūna. Selenian [27] is an adjective used to describe the Moon as a world, rather than as a celestial object,[28] but its use is rare. It is derived from σελήνη selēnē, the Greek word for the Moon, and its cognate selenic was originally a rare synonym[29] but now nearly always refers to the chemical element selenium.[30] The element name selenium and the prefix seleno- (as in selenography, the study of the physical features of the Moon) come from this Greek word.[31][32]

Artemis, the Greek goddess of the wilderness and the hunt, came to also be identified as the goddess of the Moon (Selene) and was sometimes called Cynthia, after her birthplace on Mount Cynthus.[33] Her Roman equivalent is Diana. The names Luna, Cynthia, and Selene are reflected in technical terms for lunar orbits such as apolune, pericynthion and selenocentric.

The astronomical symbol for the Moon is a crescent\decrescent, \, for example in M☾ 'lunar mass' (also ML).

Astronomy from the Moon

The Moon has been used as a site for astronomical and Earth observations. The Earth appears in the Moon's sky with an apparent size of 1° 48′ to 2°,[293] three to four times the size of the Moon or Sun in Earth's sky, or about the apparent width of two little fingers at an arm's length away. Observations from the Moon started as early as 1966 with the first images of Earth from the Moon, taken by Lunar Orbiter 1. Of particular cultural significance is the 1968 photograph called Earthrise, taken by Bill Anders of Apollo 8 in 1968. In April 1972 the Apollo 16 mission set up the first dedicated telescope,[294][295] the Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph, recording various astronomical photos and spectra.[296]

The Moon is recognized as an excellent site for telescopes.[297] It is relatively nearby; certain craters near the poles are permanently dark and cold and especially useful for infrared telescopes; and radio telescopes on the far side would be shielded from the radio chatter of Earth.[298] The lunar soil, although it poses a problem for any moving parts of telescopes, can be mixed with carbon nanotubes and epoxies and employed in the construction of mirrors up to 50 meters in diameter.[299] A lunar zenith telescope can be made cheaply with an ionic liquid.[300]

The only instances of humans living on the Moon have taken place in an Apollo Lunar Module for several days at a time (for example, during the Apollo 17 mission).[301] One challenge to astronauts during their stay on the surface is that lunar dust sticks to their suits and is carried into their quarters. Astronauts could taste and smell the dust, which smells like gunpowder and was called the "Apollo aroma".[302] This fine lunar dust can cause health issues.[302]

In 2019, at least one plant seed sprouted in an experiment on the Chang'e 4 lander. It was carried from Earth along with other small life in its Lunar Micro Ecosystem.[303]

Although Luna landers scattered pennants of the Soviet Union on the Moon, and U.S. flags were symbolically planted at their landing sites by the Apollo astronauts, no nation claims ownership of any part of the Moon's surface.[304] Likewise no private ownership of parts of the Moon, or as a whole, is considered credible.[305][306][307]

The 1967 Outer Space Treaty defines the Moon and all outer space as the "province of all mankind".[304] It restricts the use of the Moon to peaceful purposes, explicitly banning military installations and weapons of mass destruction.[308] A majority of countries are parties of this treaty.[309] The 1979 Moon Agreement was created to elaborate, and restrict the exploitation of the Moon's resources by any single nation, leaving it to a yet unspecified international regulatory regime.[310] As of January 2020, it has been signed and ratified by 18 nations,[311] none of which have human spaceflight capabilities.

Since 2020, countries have joined the U.S. in their Artemis Accords, which are challenging the treaty. The U.S. has furthermore emphasized in a presidential executive order ("Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources.") that "the United States does not view outer space as a 'global commons'" and calls the Moon Agreement "a failed attempt at constraining free enterprise."[312][313]

With Australia signing and ratifying both the Moon Treaty in 1986 as well as the Artemis Accords in 2020, there has been a discussion if they can be harmonized.[266] In this light an Implementation Agreement for the Moon Treaty has been advocated for, as a way to compensate for the shortcomings of the Moon Treaty and to harmonize it with other laws and agreements such as the Artemis Accords, allowing it to be more widely accepted.[265][267]

In the face of such increasing commercial and national interest, particularly prospecting territories, U.S. lawmakers have introduced in late 2020 specific regulation for the conservation of historic landing sites[314] and interest groups have argued for making such sites World Heritage Sites[315] and zones of scientific value protected zones, all of which add to the legal availability and territorialization of the Moon.[285]

In 2021, the Declaration of the Rights of the Moon[316] was created by a group of "lawyers, space archaeologists and concerned citizens", drawing on precedents in the Rights of Nature movement and the concept of legal personality for non-human entities in space.[317][318]

Kapan Cold Moon Muncul di Bulan Desember 2024?

Mengutip dari laman resmi NASA, terdapat jadwal kemunculan Cold Moon yang dapat dijadikan petunjuk. Dijelaskan bahwa Cold Moon atau Bulan Purnama akan muncul pada tanggal 15 Desember 2024. Diperkirakan fenomena tersebut bakal terjadi di pagi hari, tepatnya pada pukul 04.02 pagi EST atau Waktu Standar Timur.

Apabila dikonversikan ke dalam zona waktu Indonesia, Cold Moon dapat dilihat mulau pukul 16.02 WIB. Meskipun begitu, pada beberapa wilayah lain fenomena Cold Moon sudah bisa disaksikan pada Sabtu malam. Tepatnya dapat dilihat pada zona waktu Alaska ke arah barat sampai garis tanggal Internasional.

Menariknya, fenomena ini bakal muncul sekitar tiga hari berturut-turut, tepatnya mulai hari Jumat sampai Minggu. Inilah yang membuat akhir pekan kali ini cocok disebut sebagai akhir pekan Bulan Purnama.

Kemunculan Bulan Purnama juga termasuk dalam daftar fenomena astronomi 2024 yang dirilis oleh Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRI). Mengacu dari laman resmi mereka, disampaikan bahwa Bulan Purnama terjadi pada tanggal 15 Desember 2024.

Modern culture representation

The perception of the Moon in modern times has been informed by telescope enabled modern astronomy and later by spaceflight enabled actual human activity at the Moon, particularly the culturally impactful lunar landings. These new insights inspired cultural references, connecting romantic reflections about the Moon[343] and speculative fiction such as science-fiction dealing with the Moon.[342][344]

Contemporarily the Moon has been seen as a place for economic expansion into space, with missions prospecting for lunar resources. This has been accompanied with renewed public and critical reflection on humanity's cultural and legal relation to the celestial body, especially regarding colonialism,[285] as in the 1970 poem "Whitey on the Moon". In this light the Moon's nature has been invoked,[316] particularly for lunar conservation[287] and as a common.[345][310][318]

In 2021 20 July, the date of the first crewed Moon landing, became the annual International Moon Day.[346]

The lunar effect is a purported unproven correlation between specific stages of the roughly 29.5-day lunar cycle and behavior and physiological changes in living beings on Earth, including humans. The Moon has long been associated with insanity and irrationality; the words lunacy and lunatic are derived from the Latin name for the Moon, Luna. Philosophers Aristotle and Pliny the Elder argued that the full moon induced insanity in susceptible individuals, believing that the brain, which is mostly water, must be affected by the Moon and its power over the tides, but the Moon's gravity is too slight to affect any single person.[347] Even today, people who believe in a lunar effect claim that admissions to psychiatric hospitals, traffic accidents, homicides or suicides increase during a full moon, but dozens of studies invalidate these claims.[347][348][349][350][351]

Telescopic exploration (1609–1959)

In 1609, Galileo Galilei used an early telescope to make drawings of the Moon for his book Sidereus Nuncius, and deduced that it was not smooth but had mountains and craters. Thomas Harriot had made, but not published such drawings a few months earlier.

Telescopic mapping of the Moon followed: later in the 17th century, the efforts of Giovanni Battista Riccioli and Francesco Maria Grimaldi led to the system of naming of lunar features in use today. The more exact 1834–1836 Mappa Selenographica of Wilhelm Beer and Johann Heinrich von Mädler, and their associated 1837 book Der Mond, the first trigonometrically accurate study of lunar features, included the heights of more than a thousand mountains, and introduced the study of the Moon at accuracies possible in earthly geography.[242] Lunar craters, first noted by Galileo, were thought to be volcanic until the 1870s proposal of Richard Proctor that they were formed by collisions.[72] This view gained support in 1892 from the experimentation of geologist Grove Karl Gilbert, and from comparative studies from 1920 to the 1940s,[243] leading to the development of lunar stratigraphy, which by the 1950s was becoming a new and growing branch of astrogeology.[72]

First missions to the Moon (1959–1976)

After World War II the first launch systems were developed and by the end of the 1950s they reached capabilities that allowed the Soviet Union and the United States to launch spacecraft into space. The Cold War fueled a closely followed development of launch systems by the two states, resulting in the so-called Space Race and its later phase the Moon Race, accelerating efforts and interest in exploration of the Moon.

After the first spaceflight of Sputnik 1 in 1957 during International Geophysical Year the spacecraft of the Soviet Union's Luna program were the first to accomplish a number of goals. Following three unnamed failed missions in 1958,[244] the first human-made object Luna 1 escaped Earth's gravity and passed near the Moon in 1959. Later that year the first human-made object Luna 2 reached the Moon's surface by intentionally impacting. By the end of the year Luna 3 reached as the first human-made object the normally occluded far side of the Moon, taking the first photographs of it. The first spacecraft to perform a successful lunar soft landing was Luna 9 and the first vehicle to orbit the Moon was Luna 10, both in 1966.[72]

Following President John F. Kennedy's 1961 commitment to a crewed Moon landing before the end of the decade, the United States, under NASA leadership, launched a series of uncrewed probes to develop an understanding of the lunar surface in preparation for human missions: the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Ranger program, the Lunar Orbiter program and the Surveyor program. The crewed Apollo program was developed in parallel; after a series of uncrewed and crewed tests of the Apollo spacecraft in Earth orbit, and spurred on by a potential Soviet lunar human landing, in 1968 Apollo 8 made the first human mission to lunar orbit (the first Earthlings, two tortoises, had circled the Moon three months earlier on the Soviet Union's Zond 5, followed by turtles on Zond 6).

The first time a person landed on the Moon and any extraterrestrial body was when Neil Armstrong, the commander of the American mission Apollo 11, set foot on the Moon at 02:56 UTC on July 21, 1969.[245] Considered the culmination of the Space Race,[246] an estimated 500 million people worldwide watched the transmission by the Apollo TV camera, the largest television audience for a live broadcast at that time.[247][248] While at the same time another mission, the robotic sample return mission Luna 15 by the Soviet Union had been in orbit around the Moon, becoming together with Apollo 11 the first ever case of two extraterrestrial missions being conducted at the same time.

The Apollo missions 11 to 17 (except Apollo 13, which aborted its planned lunar landing) removed 380.05 kilograms (837.87 lb) of lunar rock and soil in 2,196 separate samples.[249] Scientific instrument packages were installed on the lunar surface during all the Apollo landings. Long-lived instrument stations, including heat flow probes, seismometers, and magnetometers, were installed at the Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 landing sites. Direct transmission of data to Earth concluded in late 1977 because of budgetary considerations,[250][251] but as the stations' lunar laser ranging corner-cube retroreflector arrays are passive instruments, they are still being used.[252] Apollo 17 in 1972 remains the last crewed mission to the Moon. Explorer 49 in 1973 was the last dedicated U.S. probe to the Moon until the 1990s.

The Soviet Union continued sending robotic missions to the Moon until 1976, deploying in 1970 with Luna 17 the first remote controlled rover Lunokhod 1 on an extraterrestrial surface, and collecting and returning 0.3 kg of rock and soil samples with three Luna sample return missions (Luna 16 in 1970, Luna 20 in 1972, and Luna 24 in 1976).[253]

Kemunculan fenomena langit sepanjang tahun 2024 menarik untuk diikuti, salah satunya Cold Moon yang bakal terjadi di bulan Desember ini. Lantas seperti apa gambaran terkait Cold Moon ini?

Mengutip dari buku 'Menjelajahi Alam Semesta' oleh Taufik Hidayat, dijelaskan bahwa fenomena langit merupakan sebuah hal bisa menjadi sangat jarang dan juga unik. Hal inilah yang membuat setiap kemunculan fenomena langit menarik untuk dipelajari dan dianggap menakjubkan bagi siapa saja yang menyaksikannya.

Salah satu fenomena langit yang tak kalah menarik untuk ditelisik secara lebih mendalam adalah Cold Moon. Diperkirakan fenomena ini bakal kembali muncul pada bulan Desember 2024 ini.


Penasaran ingin mengetahui secara lebih dekat dengan fenomena langit berupa Cold Moon? Simak baik-baik penjelasannya berikut ini, ya.

Istilah Cold Moon ternyata merujuk pada julukan yang diberikan bagi fenomena langit berupa Bulan Purnama. Dijelaskan dalam laman Martha Stewart, Cold Moon atau Bulan Dingin merupakan nama yang diberikan untuk menggambarkan kondisi dingin yang berlangsung selama cuaca dingin yang terjadi pada kurun waktu tertentu. Julukan tersebut berasal dari budaya Mohawk yang merupakan penduduk asli Amerika.

Sementara itu, Cold Moon juga memiliki sebutan lain berupa Long Night Moon. Hal ini dikarenakan fenomena tersebut akan menjadi Bulan Purnama terdekat dengan titik balik Matahari di musim dingin. Akibatnya akan menjadi fenomena yang muncul di malam terpanjang sepanjang tahun.

Lebih lanjut diungkap melalui laman Live Science, Cold Moon juga dikenal sebagai fenomena yang menandai dimulainya musim dingin, dilihat dari aspek astronomis. Selain disebut sebagai Long Night Moon, ada juga julukan berupa Moon Before Yule. Hal ini dikarenakan fenomena Cold Moon terjadi sebelum festival Pagan yang berlangsung saat titik balik Matahari.

Pada saat terjadinya Cold Moon, Bulan akan berseberangan dengan Matahari. Oleh karenanya, Bulan cenderung dapat mencerminkan pergerakan Matahari. Inilah yang membuat Matahari akan berada di titik terendahnya di langit selatan, sedangkan Cold Moon bakal ada di titik tertingginya.

Lunar geologic timescale

Millions of years before present

The lunar geological periods are named after their characteristic features, from most impact craters outside the dark mare, to the mare and later craters, and finally the young, still bright and therefore readily visible craters with ray systems like Copernicus or Tycho.

Isotope dating of lunar samples suggests the Moon formed around 50 million years after the origin of the Solar System.[36][37] Historically, several formation mechanisms have been proposed,[38] but none satisfactorily explains the features of the Earth–Moon system. A fission of the Moon from Earth's crust through centrifugal force[39] would require too great an initial rotation rate of Earth.[40] Gravitational capture of a pre-formed Moon[41] depends on an unfeasibly extended atmosphere of Earth to dissipate the energy of the passing Moon.[40] A co-formation of Earth and the Moon together in the primordial accretion disk does not explain the depletion of metals in the Moon.[40] None of these hypotheses can account for the high angular momentum of the Earth–Moon system.[42]

The prevailing theory is that the Earth–Moon system formed after a giant impact of a Mars-sized body (named Theia) with the proto-Earth. The oblique impact blasted material into orbit about the Earth and the material accreted and formed the Moon[43][44] just beyond the Earth's Roche limit of ~2.56 R🜨.[45]

Giant impacts are thought to have been common in the early Solar System. Computer simulations of giant impacts have produced results that are consistent with the mass of the lunar core and the angular momentum of the Earth–Moon system. These simulations show that most of the Moon derived from the impactor, rather than the proto-Earth.[46] However, models from 2007 and later suggest a larger fraction of the Moon derived from the proto-Earth.[47][48][49][50] Other bodies of the inner Solar System such as Mars and Vesta have, according to meteorites from them, very different oxygen and tungsten isotopic compositions compared to Earth. However, Earth and the Moon have nearly identical isotopic compositions. The isotopic equalization of the Earth-Moon system might be explained by the post-impact mixing of the vaporized material that formed the two,[51] although this is debated.[52]

The impact would have released enough energy to liquefy both the ejecta and the Earth's crust, forming a magma ocean. The liquefied ejecta could have then re-accreted into the Earth–Moon system.[53][54] The newly formed Moon would have had its own magma ocean; its depth is estimated from about 500 km (300 miles) to 1,737 km (1,079 miles).[53]

While the giant-impact theory explains many lines of evidence, some questions are still unresolved, most of which involve the Moon's composition.[55] Models that have the Moon acquiring a significant amount of the proto-earth are more difficult to reconcile with geochemical data for the isotopes of zirconium, oxygen, silicon, and other elements.[56] A study published in 2022, using high-resolution simulations (up to 108 particles), found that giant impacts can immediately place a satellite with similar mass and iron content to the Moon into orbit far outside Earth's Roche limit. Even satellites that initially pass within the Roche limit can reliably and predictably survive, by being partially stripped and then torqued onto wider, stable orbits.[57]

On November 1, 2023, scientists reported that, according to computer simulations, remnants of Theia could still be present inside the Earth.[58][59]

The newly formed Moon settled into a much closer Earth orbit than it has today. Each body therefore appeared much larger in the sky of the other, eclipses were more frequent, and tidal effects were stronger.[60] Due to tidal acceleration, the Moon's orbit around Earth has become significantly larger, with a longer period.[61]

Following formation, the Moon has cooled and most of its atmosphere has been stripped.[62] The lunar surface has since been shaped by large impact events and many small ones, forming a landscape featuring craters of all ages.

The Moon was volcanically active until 1.2 billion years ago, which laid down the prominent lunar maria. Most of the mare basalts erupted during the Imbrian period, 3.3–3.7 billion years ago, though some are as young as 1.2 billion years[63] and some as old as 4.2 billion years.[64] There are differing explanations for the eruption of mare basalts, particularly their uneven occurrence which mainly appear on the near-side. Causes of the distribution of the lunar highlands on the far side are also not well understood. Topological measurements show the near side crust is thinner than the far side. One possible scenario then is that large impacts on the near side may have made it easier for lava to flow onto the surface.[65]

Pre-telescopic observation (before 1609)

It is believed by some that the oldest cave paintings from up to 40,000 BP of bulls and geometric shapes,[220] or 20–30,000 year old tally sticks were used to observe the phases of the Moon, keeping time using the waxing and waning of the Moon's phases.[221] One of the earliest-discovered possible depictions of the Moon is a 3,000 BCE rock carving Orthostat 47 at Knowth, Ireland.[222][223] Lunar deities like Nanna/Sin featuring crescents are found since the 3rd millennium BCE.[224] Though the oldest found and identified astronomical depiction of the Moon is the Nebra sky disc from c. 1800–1600 BCE.[225][226]

The ancient Greek philosopher Anaxagoras (d. 428 BC) reasoned that the Sun and Moon were both giant spherical rocks, and that the latter reflected the light of the former.[230][231]: 227  Elsewhere in the 5th century BC to 4th century BC, Babylonian astronomers had recorded the 18-year Saros cycle of lunar eclipses,[232] and Indian astronomers had described the Moon's monthly elongation.[233] The Chinese astronomer Shi Shen (fl. 4th century BC) gave instructions for predicting solar and lunar eclipses.[231]: 411

In Aristotle's (384–322 BC) description of the universe, the Moon marked the boundary between the spheres of the mutable elements (earth, water, air and fire), and the imperishable stars of aether, an influential philosophy that would dominate for centuries.[234] Archimedes (287–212 BC) designed a planetarium that could calculate the motions of the Moon and other objects in the Solar System.[235] In the 2nd century BC, Seleucus of Seleucia correctly thought that tides were due to the attraction of the Moon, and that their height depends on the Moon's position relative to the Sun.[236] In the same century, Aristarchus computed the size and distance of the Moon from Earth, obtaining a value of about twenty times the radius of Earth for the distance.

The Chinese of the Han dynasty believed the Moon to be energy equated to qi and their 'radiating influence' theory recognized that the light of the Moon was merely a reflection of the Sun; Jing Fang (78–37 BC) noted the sphericity of the Moon.[231]: 413–414  Ptolemy (90–168 AD) greatly improved on the numbers of Aristarchus, calculating a mean distance of 59 times Earth's radius and a diameter of 0.292 Earth diameters, close to the correct values of about 60 and 0.273 respectively.[237] In the 2nd century AD, Lucian wrote the novel A True Story, in which the heroes travel to the Moon and meet its inhabitants. In 510 AD, the Indian astronomer Aryabhata mentioned in his Aryabhatiya that reflected sunlight is the cause of the shining of the Moon.[238][239] The astronomer and physicist Ibn al-Haytham (965–1039) found that sunlight was not reflected from the Moon like a mirror, but that light was emitted from every part of the Moon's sunlit surface in all directions.[240] Shen Kuo (1031–1095) of the Song dynasty created an allegory equating the waxing and waning of the Moon to a round ball of reflective silver that, when doused with white powder and viewed from the side, would appear to be a crescent.[231]: 415–416  During the Middle Ages, before the invention of the telescope, the Moon was increasingly recognized as a sphere, though many believed that it was "perfectly smooth".[241]

Julukan Lain Cold Moon

Seperti yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya, terdapat setidaknya dua julukan yang diberikan untuk menggambarkan fenomena Cold Moon. Ada yang menyebutnya sebagai Long Night Moon dan tidak sedikit yang memberi nama sebagai Moon Before Yule. Apabila merujuk dari laman Almanac, terdapat berbagai julukan lain yang disematkan bagi Cold Moon. Berikut beberapa di antaranya lengkap dengan budaya atau suku yang kerap menggunakannya: